santee dentist

Oral Surgeries In Santee

What is oral surgery?

Oral surgery refers to dental procedures done on your mouth tissues, teeth, and gums. To see if you need oral surgery will require a consultation with your dentist or an oral surgeon. Some examples of common oral surgery procedures include impacted wisdom teeth removal, dental implant placements, the treatment of severe sleep apnea, and reconstructive jaw surgeries.

Dentists dental teeth implant

Did you know…

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Oral surgeons complete at least a 4-year residency beyond dental or medical school.

Ready to schedule a consult?

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What to expect: The oral surgery process

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Dr. Hanna will perform the consultation if you need wisdom tooth extractions, single or multiple teeth extractions, implant placements, all-on-four placements and so forth. You will then be scheduled to see our Oral Surgeon at our practice!

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Treatment Planning & Preparation

Once your course of treatment is determined, you can expect your doctor or oral surgeon to walk you through the process beforehand. They will tell you the treatment, the surgery necessary as part of the treatment, how to prepare before your procedure, and what to expect on the day of your procedure.

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Sedation Options

All oral surgeons are trained on how to work with IV sedation and general anesthesia since they work with them both regularly, so they will be able to recommend which sedation option is best for you based on your needs and the procedure.

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Day of Surgery

You will need someone to drive you to and from your appointment on the day of your surgery. While your doctor will give you some recommendations specific to you, we do advise that you plan to take the entire day off and have someone stay with you for the rest of the day following your procedure.

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Healing & Aftercare

It takes time to heal, so give yourself a few days to rest following surgery. It’s normal to experience some swelling and discomfort in the 24hrs after your procedure. You can use ice packs to reduce swelling, along with keeping your head elevated. It’s important to also stick to a diet of soft food for the first two days after surgery and to take your prescribed medications as your doctor has directed.

Common oral surgeries

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Extractions are usually done for teeth that have been damaged from gum disease, tooth decay, or mouth injuries. When it comes to preparing for restorative treatments like dental implants and dentures, tooth extractions can also be necessary.

An example would be with a full arch of dentures, you will need any remaining teeth to be removed so your denture can sit completely over your gums.

Bone Grafts

Bone grafts/bone tissue transplants are used to fix bones that are weak, fractured, or have experienced trauma (like a bone bruise). Bone grafts are commonly used to prepare for dental implants since tooth loss can lead to jaw bone deterioration. Before you receive dental implants, it’s important to have a jaw bone strong enough to support the posts of the implants. This is where bone grafts can help stimulate bone growth and new bone formation by using processed bone minerals. Healing from bone graft surgery is similar to recovering from a tooth extraction, but it can take anywhere from 3-6 months for new bone mass to generate.

Sinus Lifts

A sinus lift is a procedure that adds bone to your upper jaw where your molars and premolars are located. This is the space between your jaw and the maxillary sinuses on each side of your nose. You can experience a collapse of the socket after tooth loss, which leads to loss of both width/height of the surrounding bone and overall bone volume.

With a sinus lift, it will graft extra bone to your maxillary sinuses, this way you can have implants placed in your jaw successfully.


An Alveoloplasty is a dental procedure where your alveolar ridge (the small bump that is behind your upper front teeth) is smoothed or contoured surgically. This is often performed in preparation for a denture or dental implant. The results from the re-contouring allow for a more suitable shape for dental implants or a prosthetic. It will also allow less complications, more longevity, better comfort, and better stability for the implants or dentures.  

Tori Removal

Extra bone deposits that form in your upper/lower jawbones are known as tori. Any extra bone found in your hard palate is called “torus palatinus” and lower jaw tori is called “mandibular tori.” Most tori found are non-cancerous and don’t require treatment. The only times you may need tori removed is for one of these two reasons

  1. If food is getting trapped in your mouth as a result of tori, it can be a hazard and detrimental to your oral health.
  2. If you need a partial or full denture, then a tori removal procedure would be recommended for a more comfortable fit for your dental prosthetic.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Wisdom teeth are considered your third set of molars, as they are a natural part of our mouths. The issue is that since they grow in later than the rest of our teeth, many people often don’t have enough space in their mouths to accommodate wisdom teeth. Usually your wisdom teeth grow between the ages of 17-25.

If your wisdom teeth can’t fit in your mouth properly, then they can cause issues with your other teeth as they grow in. They can cause misalignment, infection, and also discomfort.

Impacted Wisdom Teeth Extractions

If your wisdom teeth get stuck underneath your gum and cannot break the surface, then they are considered “impacted.” At this point is when an extraction would be recommended, to prevent tooth decay and other potential issues.

Before removing your wisdom tooth (or teeth) your dentist will cut into your gums to remove any bone that is problematic, and then extract your tooth. Once completed, the incision will be stitched up and packed with gauze to help with healing. In order to make the procedure more relaxing and painless, there will be sedative options available.

Wisdom Teeth Extractions

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars, and are a natural part of our mouths. However, they grow in much later than the rest of our teeth, usually between the ages of 17-25. Because of this, many people do not have enough space in their mouths for wisdom teeth, particularly if they have had orthodontic work.

That means that the wisdom teeth can cause issues with your other teeth when they begin to erupt. They may cause your other teeth to shift and become misaligned, or they may become impacted and get infected. Wisdom teeth tend to cause discomfort, which is why most people choose to have them extracted when they begin to emerge.


Dental implants are known as one of the most secure and long-lasting tooth replacement options available, and they can blend in with the rest of your teeth for a beautifully restored smile.

The implant or “post” is a titanium rod similar in shape to a screw that is permanently bonded into your gum and jaw. Once your gum heals, a dental crown is created so it can be attached to the post to reinstate the shape, function, and appearance of your natural tooth. Single-tooth implants are very durable and don’t move or shift, unlike a partial denture.

all-on-4 implants

All-On-4 implants are a more permanent and more natural looking alternative to dentures, as these implants are designed to replace your entire upper/lower set of teeth. Another advantage of All-On-4 is that this procedure only takes a single visit to complete, unlike other significant restorative surgeries.

During this procedure, you can expect your dentist to insert four dental implants in your gums to restore the function to your smile.

Did you know…

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The most common oral surgery is the wisdom teeth removal.

Interested in dental implants?

Call (619) 449-8622

Have questions about oral surgery? Find answers here.

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What’s an oral surgeon?

An oral and maxillofacial surgeon completes special education and training beyond dental school, with a minimum of a four year residency at a hospital based surgical program alongside medical residents in a multitude of specialties, like anesthesia.

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How long does oral surgery take?

Depending on the procedure and your case’s complexity, you may require more time to sedate you properly.Simpler procedures like tooth extractions, may only take a few minutes to sedate you. For more complex procedures like dental implants can take hours.Before your procedure, your oral surgeon will give you a thorough explanation of the procedure, what to expect, and how to prepare properly.

How much does oral surgery cost?

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There is no flat rate for oral surgery, the cost varies from procedure to procedure. Simpler procedures that require less time will be less expensive while more complex surgeries will be more expensive. In the event of your insurance not covering your oral surgery, loans and payment plans are available so you can get the care you need.

Is oral surgery covered by insurance?

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Possibly, depending on your insurance provider and coverage. You should talk to your dental and medical insurance providers to see if your recommended oral surgery is covered. It may also be worthwhile to file your claim with both your dental insurance provider and your medical insurance provider, since the surgery may qualify as a medically necessary procedure.

Did you know…

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The average recovery time for most oral surgeries is onlydays.

Ready for your next dental appointment?

Call (619) 449-8622